Sunday, January 08, 2006
programmer tool:- debugger
- version control
- profiler(效能評估)
- memory checker (memory leak detection, array boundary checking)
- oxygen (software visualization) free
- programming style / bad coding checker(static analysis)
- unit testing(white box testing), visual test
- check security(static analysis tools)
Tom DeMarco:與熊共舞
brandon-hall(顧問公司,公司內部的e-Learning)- LCMS
- LMS Report
- KM(偏管理)
- vision(看得到的目標)
- criteria
- support
- motivation
- content
- 組合內容
- 處理多種格式
- reuse
- workflow
- version control
- Authoring
- Simulation
- PowerPoint轉換
- Test
executives - 長官
gospel - 福音
tenet - 教義
edification - 涵養
數位學習(e-Learning)要素- 硬體
- 系統平台
- 介面(一致性)
- 教師
- 方法與策略
- 教材
- 評量
- 學習策略
Defensive Programming
- alpha testing-在公司內部測
- beta testing-給使用者測
- Assertion-不可預測
- Error Handling-可預測
- Return a netural value
- Substitute the next piece of valid data
- Return the same answer as the previous value
- Substitute the closest legal value
- Log a warning message to a file
- Return an error code
- Call an error processing routine/object
- Display an error message wherever the error is encountered
- Handle the error in whatever way works best locally
- Shut down
- procesure, function
- template (STL, Standard Template Library)
- class library(繼承)
- component (高層次reuse) visual development
- plugin
reuse- 繼承+new method:增加新功能
- metohd overriding
- template
- framework (design pattern)
- component
- library
- 直接改source
Advancement of Software ProcessSpiral Model:Plan→Prototype→Coding→Testing→...
- Rational Unified Process(RUP) - 大於20人
- Feature-Driven Development(FDD) - 10~40人
- Extreme Programming(XP) - 3~12人